How Parishioner Gifts Have Benefited the Cathedral
What We Have Achieved
Over the years, our parishioners’ continued generosity to the Endowment has allowed us to pay for ongoing and necessary improvements to our facilities and property, through Endowment disbursements.
$100,000 for HVAC Upgrades
$100,000 for Hellenic Center Carpet Replacement
$190,000 for Roofing Replacement
$147,000 for Roof Waterproofing
$200,000 for Security Upgrades
$89,000 for Parking Lot Sealant
The Endowment has provided $665,270 over the last three years for benefiting the Cathedral. For example, the funds were used for:
HVAC Kartos Ballroom & Atrium
Security cameras
Partial Payment for 1673 Berkeley Lane
These considerable expenses could only have been underwritten through parishioner gifts to the Endowment.
“Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.”
— Aristotle